Austin's Birthday

Monday, August 25, 2008


So I have miraculously, rekindled my love for Hanson...
And I’m loving it!
I missed it!
Its insane... I mean, you would think that after 10years... yes, its been 10 WHOLE YEARS! (actually, I’m thinking its really been 11 years? YIKES! I’m getting old!!!) It just wouldn’t be the same you know?
I’m actually a little bit embarrassed to say that even listening to the new music from The Walk I got butterflies in my stomach....
I mean omg! I feel like a 13 yr old all over again... but hey, I’m still young... and it seems to be helping me with my stress level... so I’m going with it!

Momma and I went shopping this weekend and got Austin some new clothes... I wish my camera batteries weren’t dead... But since they are here are a few pics from the Old Navy website:

Just incase anyone is considering buying him clothes... he is going to be in a 24 months / 2T (YAY We are FINALLY in Toddler sizes... lol) If you could find something with an adjustable wait it might be better... He’s awfully tall and thin... so sizes are a bit difficult for pants... Tops aren’t really a big deal...

I’m going to have to try and find some tennis shoes sometime soon. Ms. Lisa (the PT) told us about some inserts that would help him a little... Austin seems to be a little bit flat footed and walks a little on the inside of his foot instead of the outside... but to get the inserts he would HAVE to be in tennis shoes... with the hot summer weather... he is ALWAYS in sandals or crocs... and the inserts are $50 so I’m thinking I will wait until the winter to get those... I am also going to see what I can do to see if MDA or our Insurance will cover them... Because $50 is just a lot of money...

Mike starts his second job Tuesday... Well, orientation is Tuesday... I really hope this ends up being as good as it sounds... I am upset that he has to do this, and I guess in all honesty he doesn’t HAVE to...but if he doesn’t and we loose the house because we don’t have enough saved, then we would regret it... at least this way, we will know that we have done everything we can to get in... so I’ll be alone about 4 days a week... :( I am also going to try to pick up some extra shift with momma.... Austin desperately needs new clothes for the winter..( and yes, we picked up a few things, but nothing the child has is going to fit...) and then we’ve also got Shoes and Christmas and Halloween to think about... so ... we’ve just really got to get some more money coming in to take care of everything....

I guess that’s about it for now...