Austin's Birthday

Thursday, August 28, 2008

2 1/2

Can you believe it???
Austin is two and a half today!

I just don’t know where the last two and a half years have gone... I mean... it seems like just yesterday I was pregnant... and now my little baby is two and a half!!

Well, I figured what better to mark his two and a half birthday than sharing a little funny... : )

So you all know we are potty training Austin...
Well I’ve been trying to get him to stand on a stool to pee into the big toilet, and with that has come trying to get him to aim into the toilet...

We a few days ago after peeing... he kind of shook it off (as awkward as it looked I knew what he was trying to do...)

He then proudly announces:
“MOMMY! I shake it off like Daddy huh?!?!?!?!”

Oh, the joys of raising a boy...