Austin's Birthday

Friday, October 17, 2008

finally home

The doctor called me right around lunch time to see how Austin was doing...
Then he asked if I was ready to go home....
Since we were, he agreed to send the discharge papers in... but he made sure to tell me that he would still have a bit of diarrhea... and that if he showed any sign of dehydrating again to bring him in immeadately...

We got this discharge papers around 3ish and then since Austin was napping we waited until he was awake to leave... We got home around 5ish...

Its so nice to be home....I missed my dogs!

Austin still isn't feeling 100%, so he is pretty clingy right now...
I've noticed that he is falling a little bit more ... Which I know is normal becuase he's been sick... everyone looses strength when they are sick, I just hope it isn't a real set back for him.... he still seems to be going 90mph.... so I think he will be fine...

I just wanted to update everyone about what's going on...


Lisa said...

My goodness, you guys have been having a rough time! I'm glad to hear Austin is getting better. Hopefully you won't get sick now! Take care.

Kristen said...

I'm so glad he's home and okay!!