Austin's Birthday

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

another day

Well, its another day...
And although I am still not happy with work, I am feeling better today... I am not sure if its just tired of crying, or if maybe I really am ok with the idea of leaving (once I find another job)... or if its just nice to know that some people agree with me... or that my section head (or ex section head - its complicated...) doesn't want to loose me...

I've decided that even though I am feeling better, I am not letting it go... I've ignored similar issues in the past, and they just keep coming right back... all the same things.... I'm not going to let it go this time... I'm going to do something about it... even if that means leaving...

I have to many other things to worry about with out having to be worried about whether or not I'm going to get chewed out everytime I need to take some time off to care for my child... or anything else that might come up...

Fact is they couldn't really deny any of my leave requests for Austin b/c that would violate the Family Medical Leave Act... and I know that... but they fail to see how it would... Fact is, I have a special needs child... and by law I am entitled to 12 weeks a year to take time off to bring him to get any type of medical care he needs...

And then, besides that ... I have a Special Needs Child... I need to be in a place that understands that there will be times that I will have to miss and take off to deal with things that come up.... I can not be in a place where I have to stress about their reaction... Being in this place with my child can be stressful enough...

I can't keep a job that is affecting my home life... I need to be able to be here for my son... I can't be this miserable and take care of my child as well as he deserves to be taken care of...

So for myself and my family... I am going to try my hardest to find a new job... It will probably just be a transfer... whether in or out of the section I am in.... Just away from my boss...

Thanks for listening/reading all about my rough time....
Hopefully the end is near...