Austin's Birthday

Monday, March 2, 2009

Not me Monday!

You know the drill... Its Monday... that means its time to admit to all those things that you "didn't" do this past week... Its fun and great therapy, and of course, when you are done reading all about what I didn't do this week, head over to MckMama's blog and read all about what she and everyone else didn't do this week...

Let me start by saying this week was a long week.... and I'm so glad that its the begining of a new one!!

Let me tell you, it most definately was not me whole waited until Friday to clean house before Austin's party....

I also didn't decide to stop cleaning and go to Walmart instead... I didnt wait until the day before the party to go pick up ice cream and decorations... I was totally prepared for this party!!

I wasn't secretly dreading the party becuase it was the first time a lot of people were going to be seeing the new house... I didn't have it in my mind that everything needed to be perfect... I mean things already were perfect... ;)

I didn't volunteer to babysit my niece over night Saturday night after the birthday party... I knew I'd be exhausted, so no way would I want to spend the night chasing after another little one...

I didn't have a fantastic time with Austin and Alexis this weekend! It wasn't a blast watching them play together, and I wasn't glad that I didn't change my mind about the sleepover...

I didn't find out that Austin's best friend from school lives around the corner from us! And I am not thrilled about that...

I did not have to leave early today to go pick up Austin at Daycare becuase he was sick, and if that had happened, we surely didn't end up at home eating ice cream....

I did not miss 5 calls from Mikey telling me that his class ended early and I needed to go pick him up... the reason for that surely wasn't the ice cream that I wasn't at home eating with my sick boy...

I am not thrilled to finally have the new laptop...


Wayne said...

great not me monday. ice cream is always good even when your ill