Austin's Birthday

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trike -A- Thon

Austin is participating in a Trike-A-Thon today to benefit St. Jude.
His friend Samuel’s older brother, Noah, is a patient at St. Jude, so Austin is pretty excited to be helping his friend.
I was very worried about how we were going to handle the Trike-A-Thon... Austin is not quite strong enough to pedal the trike... He can however ride while pushing on the ground with his feet... and most importantly... I didn’t want him to feel left out while the other kids in his class were outside having fun...
I spoke with the DayCare Director, and she assured me that he wouldn’t be the only one who couldn’t ride a trike... she said every year they have kids that have never been on one before, and that if nothing else Austin could just walk laps if he wanted to participate.
Well, Austin decided that he wanted to bring his bike, but I don’t think he really understood because he asked if I’d help him pedal... and I told him I wasn’t going to be there...
I can’t wait to find out how he did!!!

And there is still time! If you want to sponsor him just send me an email and let me know how much you would like to give him (to give to St. Jude of course!)

I’ll update later and let you all know how he did and how much money was raised!