Austin's Birthday

Monday, March 23, 2009

MckMuffin is sick again! and he needs your prayers!

Imagine my surprise when I logged onto MckMama's blog this morning eagerly anticipating another round of Not Me Monday's... I could wait to see what she and her Many Small Children had been "not doing" this week... As well as checking out everyone else's blog... I couldn't wait...

So imagine my surprise when instead I was greeted with beautiful Stellan's header and a blog post Titled "Stellan is in the Hospital with SVT"...

I know that many of you don't follow MckMama's blog... but the ones who do know that Stellan had SVT while MckMama was pregnant with him... and that they nearly lost him before he was even born... Then he was born completely healthy, and completely cured!

Well, now its time for us to help MckMuffin... He needs all the prayers that he can get... The are currently at the children's hospital in the PICU ...

We need another MckMiracle! Click on the button to follow the link over to MckMama's blog and read all about Stellan's story... Then take a moment to say a prayer for the baby boy...


Amber Benge said...

I'm praying for beautiful Stellan too. This is so hard to believe, isn't it?