Austin's Birthday

Monday, January 12, 2009

The date is set

Closing day is wednesday...
We have our final walk at 10am and then at 1pm we close...

I can't believe this day is here.. I mean its been a long road, but honestly it seems like just last week the house was a slab.... now we will be moving this weekend...

I'm thrilled... I can't wait... but I must admit that it is a little bittersweet... i mean, I will miss this place... I'll be glad to be gone... but this is where we started our family... this was where we brought home Austin from the hospital... I never ever thought that we would be here forever... its just a little bittersweet...


Work is going a little better, I was pretty busy today... and I will be again tomorrow... then I'm off Wednesday... Things have just mellowed out a lot at work...
Emotionally I am feeling better as well... I am not nearly as stressed out... I mean, I won't lie, I am still anxous... but I'm feeling a lot better... just more peaceful... Not so emotionally spent...

Paradise is starting to looking sunny again.. the clouds have finally lifted....


Austin seems to be adjusting well to preschool... He has had some set back with pottying... but today he didn't have any accidents... so that's awesome! I think with things being so weird at home (with the packing and no real routine anymore) and the new school is just a lot for him... but his teachers are awesome and are really working hard to help us out...

He is having a blast! And we haven't had any tears at drop off (yet...*knock on wood*) we did have a few tears one afternoon because he didn't want to leave, so that's nice... I'm glad that he is enjoying it so much...

He brings home his work everyday and its really cute to see how proud he is of what he has done...

I guess really that's about it... I am getting tired... and I still have a few things to do before I go to bed... so I'll try to update agian tomorrow...