Austin's Birthday

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Seriously... ?

When did my sweet little boy learn to bargain?
I’m sure it has nothing with me trying to bribe him to do things... but where-ever he learned it... I still can’t get over it...

I’ve seen him trying to trade toys with someone if they have something he wants... but last night has got to be the best yet...

It was bedtime ... and I told Austin it was time to go lay down...
He said he didn’t want to... we had been reading a book that had a picture of a monkey cooking pancakes so he decided he wasn’t tired, he was hungry for pancakes...

I knew better because he had eaten his supper already... and has recently gotten into the habit of getting out of going to bed b/c he was hungry...

So I proceed to tell him that it was really time to go to bed...

His response
“How ‘bout I sit in my bed, and you promise to bring me pancakes”

I was shocked!

I said “What baby?”

He repeated
“How ‘bout I sit in my bed, and you promise to bring me pancakes”

When I told him I was sorry but it was really time for bed he screamed “NO! HOW “BOUT I SIT IN MY BED AND YOU PROMISE TO BRING ME PANCAKES! Ok?”

He’s growing up way too fast...