Austin's Birthday

Friday, September 26, 2008


Its friday...

and I'm at home... so I should be happy right??

Well, its not exactly the way I'd like to spend a Friday at home...

I'm sick... I've had a horrible upset stomach since last night...

Austin had a fever last night of 102... he hanging around like 101ish today...

so we are just ... .blah....

We drove out to the house yesterday... They haven't poured the slab yet.. .we are schedule to be poured Wed-Friday... so I'm guessing today??

It was framed for the slab... so exciting... I took pics... but they are in the camera still.. so i will load them later....

Right now Austin is bringing me toys... I guess he is empting his toy box? and he keeps telling me that they (the toys) want to cover up... So, I'm sure I look pretty funny with a lap full of toys... covered in kids are funny...