Austin's Birthday

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Am I shrinking??

Well, in a matter of speaking... I guess you could say I am...
I have lost nearly 20 pounds since April... Can you believe it 20 whole pounds!!! (well almost)
I get asked daily... “Are you loosing weight?”
Really, makes me feel good...
Then comes the dreaded “Well, are you trying?”
Its hard to explain... I mean, I don’t want everyone knowing all my business...
If you say yes... then people ask what are you doing?
If you say no ... well, then they start to wonder what’s wrong with you...

Truth is I’m only really half-way trying...

Back in April I was having these horrible stomach pains.. went to the doctor, and after several tests and an ultrasound they determined that I had several large ovarian cysts... I was then referred to my OB/GYN who paired the cysts with my other symptoms and determined that I have PCOS...

As horrible as I thought the news was, once I really starting thinking about it, and reading about it (gotta love the internet) ... It just all made sense... I could not manage to loose more than about 5 pounds... no matter how hard I tried... I had horrible mood swings... I had abnormal hair growth... and since Austin’s been born I could probably could on my hands how many times Aunt Flo has come to visit me...

The course of action was Metformin... It seems to be a little Miracle drug of sorts.... it is primarily used for people who suffer from Diabetes... which isn’t the case for me... Sometimes it is used as a fertility drug for people with PCOS....
And then there are the times where they use it to help shrink the cysts ... and regulate insulin to help establish Aunt Flo’s monthly visits and get your hormones in order...
Although I have been tested for insulin resistance (one of the leading *causes* of PCOS) several times with out a positive result, my doctor chose to treat me as if I am indeed Insulin Resistant...

The result...
I am nearly twenty pounds lighter...

(keep in mind all the stress that I have had with Austin’s diagnosis and trying to get the right treatments for him, and the whole building a house thing... plus some other family issues... I think that if I had really TRIED I would be at more than twenty lost)