We are potty training... Grammy bought him some big boy underwear! And although I love them... He is terrified of them... until he forgets he has them on...
But gosh getting them on... He screams... he cries... he bites... he is so worried that he is going to pee “on” them... He begs for a “butt” (we have always called his diapers a butt... so the pull ups are butts too) ...
He did really well yesterday... Only had one real accident... At least while we were home he only had one real accident... and that was pee... He had another accident that I just refuse to count...
We were gone for a few hours... and I put a pull up on him... and it was barely wet when we got home... and we went right back to undies when we got home...
Now, I don’t know if the poor baby was sick, or if he was somehow traumatized by the underwear... but the poor baby said he had to go potty... we went in and he pooped... and I noticed it was a little soft looking (I know gross) but didn’t think much of it... we celebrated and I continued cooking... A few minutes later he announced he needed to go potty ... his daddy brought him that time and he pooped again... With-in minutes he needed to go again... this time just pee.... then as he was playing he tooted... and started crying... He had pooped... so his daddy cleaned him... and he got on the potty and had diarrhea .... So I decided there was no reason to torture him with the undies and just put a pull up on him since it was about time to eat...
After we ate I kept hearing him fart and it sounded horrible... he didn’t eat much and it was just chicken... so nothing that would really upset his belly... well after a few minutes of hearing the squirts I went to change his diaper.. well he was still going, so I thought I would just let him finish... bad idea...
He was walking around and tripped.. and fell flat on his but... and out it came... like chocolate pudding? Only watery-er... (is that even a word?) I a grabbed him and brought him to the bath room so I could change him... layed him down and it squirt up his back... all over his belly... just everywhere...
It was horrible... I got the diaper off... and pull off his shirt... and he started crying... he needed a wipe... I’m looking at the poor child who is covered in diarrhea... I said no baby... you need more than a wipe.. I started the shower and in he went... he was crying.. poor baby...
Once he got cleaned up he was happy... and didn’t really have anymore problems... I’m not sure if he pooped more last night or not... I had to leave to bring my mom home... so I wasn’t there... but I didn’t hear about it when I got home...
Now, this morning... poor little guy... he took his medicine and I guess it “went down the wrong pipe” and he started coughing... The child had woke up in the best mood... he was so happy, and just in a really good mood... poor thing coughed and coughed... we got in the car... and the coughing continued... I gave him some milk... it continued... so I took his milk back, so I didn’t cough it everywhere.. .or start choking... Well, the cough turned to a gag, and before I knew it, he had thrown up all over his self... You don’t know how horrible I felt dropping him off like that... I cleaned him up and changed his clothes... I know he wasn’t sick.. It wasn’t vomit... It was like spit up... (weird to think of a two and half year old spitting up.. but that’s really what it was) he was ok... he was upset about it... he hates being dirty, so he was really wanting to get cleaned... but once he was cleaned up he was fine..
He sat down happily and starting eating his breakfast...
I know Ms. Rhonda will call if he is sick... and something happens... but I still hate thinking that he “threw up” and then went to daycare... and now I am really dreading getting out to the car this afternoon... It should smell... wonderful? *gag*
Oh well... Its just another day in Paradise...