Austin's Birthday

Monday, July 28, 2008

My poor Austin...

We are potty training... Grammy bought him some big boy underwear! And although I love them... He is terrified of them... until he forgets he has them on...
But gosh getting them on... He screams... he cries... he bites... he is so worried that he is going to pee “on” them... He begs for a “butt” (we have always called his diapers a butt... so the pull ups are butts too) ...

He did really well yesterday... Only had one real accident... At least while we were home he only had one real accident... and that was pee... He had another accident that I just refuse to count...

We were gone for a few hours... and I put a pull up on him... and it was barely wet when we got home... and we went right back to undies when we got home...

Now, I don’t know if the poor baby was sick, or if he was somehow traumatized by the underwear... but the poor baby said he had to go potty... we went in and he pooped... and I noticed it was a little soft looking (I know gross) but didn’t think much of it... we celebrated and I continued cooking... A few minutes later he announced he needed to go potty ... his daddy brought him that time and he pooped again... With-in minutes he needed to go again... this time just pee.... then as he was playing he tooted... and started crying... He had pooped... so his daddy cleaned him... and he got on the potty and had diarrhea .... So I decided there was no reason to torture him with the undies and just put a pull up on him since it was about time to eat...

After we ate I kept hearing him fart and it sounded horrible... he didn’t eat much and it was just chicken... so nothing that would really upset his belly... well after a few minutes of hearing the squirts I went to change his diaper.. well he was still going, so I thought I would just let him finish... bad idea...
He was walking around and tripped.. and fell flat on his but... and out it came... like chocolate pudding? Only watery-er... (is that even a word?) I a grabbed him and brought him to the bath room so I could change him... layed him down and it squirt up his back... all over his belly... just everywhere...
It was horrible... I got the diaper off... and pull off his shirt... and he started crying... he needed a wipe... I’m looking at the poor child who is covered in diarrhea... I said no baby... you need more than a wipe.. I started the shower and in he went... he was crying.. poor baby...

Once he got cleaned up he was happy... and didn’t really have anymore problems... I’m not sure if he pooped more last night or not... I had to leave to bring my mom home... so I wasn’t there... but I didn’t hear about it when I got home...

Now, this morning... poor little guy... he took his medicine and I guess it “went down the wrong pipe” and he started coughing... The child had woke up in the best mood... he was so happy, and just in a really good mood... poor thing coughed and coughed... we got in the car... and the coughing continued... I gave him some milk... it continued... so I took his milk back, so I didn’t cough it everywhere.. .or start choking... Well, the cough turned to a gag, and before I knew it, he had thrown up all over his self... You don’t know how horrible I felt dropping him off like that... I cleaned him up and changed his clothes... I know he wasn’t sick.. It wasn’t vomit... It was like spit up... (weird to think of a two and half year old spitting up.. but that’s really what it was) he was ok... he was upset about it... he hates being dirty, so he was really wanting to get cleaned... but once he was cleaned up he was fine..

He sat down happily and starting eating his breakfast...

I know Ms. Rhonda will call if he is sick... and something happens... but I still hate thinking that he “threw up” and then went to daycare... and now I am really dreading getting out to the car this afternoon... It should smell... wonderful? *gag*

Oh well... Its just another day in Paradise...

Is it really Monday?!?!?

This weekend seemed to just fly by...

I don’t know why really... I mean it was just as long as every other weekend... but it really seemed to be gone in a flash...

This weekend was a “Momma Weekend”
Translation? – I work with my mom every other weekend... She is disabled and
has a “Personal Care Attendant”... That’s me every other weekend...

So we had our normal Saturday trip to Walmart ...which includes lunch at McDonalds... Austin tagged along this week... which he was really excited about... Of course all he wanted to do was ride the Fire Truck by the door... (WHY do they do that???) And of course EVERYTIME I asked him what he wanted a Hamburger or Chicken Nuggets, he responded “ I want money”

Mike met us there and after lunch, we tried to let Austin ride the fire truck... which of course didn’t work... but did eat 25 cents... After about 5 minutes of letting him “Ride” momma and I went shopping and Mike got to pry Austin off of the fire truck... (I’m so glad I didn’t have to be the bad guy... )

I picked up a birthday gift for one of the party’s next week, as well as two extra gifts for my niece’s birthday...

I don’t really remember much else about Saturday, it seems like I must have been cheated out of half of my day...

Yesterday we headed out after lunch and went to take pictures of our “Sold” sign... unfortunately I left my camera at home, so I can’t post them today.. maybe next time... And we made our first trip to Bass Pro Shop ... I mean, we pass by it everytime we go to the lot... but we have never stopped... It was huge... And really cool... We made the “mandatory” stop at the Fudge shop... and WOW... It was so good... We will definitely be going back if for no other reason than to get a piece of fudge....

I hope every one else had a great weekend...

Friday, July 25, 2008

For the love of dogs....

This video made me cry so much...

I’m a dog lover... Its one of those things that make you wonder why you would want to do that to yourself...
I don’t know what I will do when the time comes for me... I don’t even want to think about it...


That about covers it!

I can not even begin to tell you how glad I am that today is FRIDAY! I have been a bit busy this week, my co-worker was off, and I am a bit ashamed that I didn't get more accomplished... oh well...

Monday is the start of a new week!

I will try to get on and update this weekend... We don't really have anyplans... I'm just hoping the weather is nice!

Have a good one!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

another year older

Well, yesterday was my birthday...

I had to work, but I really had a good day anyway...

A co-worker bought me breakfast, so that was nice... I actually had something besides my normal toast... lol for lunch I had one of my favorites... cold leftover pizza... : ) I am such a kid!

I got a piece of cake from the day before left over, because they did my “party” Tuesday since most of them would be gone to class on my birthday...

After work we picked up Raising Cane’s on our way to my momma’s house... Then more birthday cake... (so much for loosing all that weight) and gifts.

It was really a nice day...

But the best part was hearing my little boy say “Happy Birthday Mommy”

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Weekend Update

Well, we seemed to have a pretty busy weekend...
Saturday I had a CPR class and since I was in the office they got me to stay and watch the First Aid Video that I always seem to miss...

Mike and Austin stayed home while I was gone because Ms. Lisa was coming to give Austin his physical therapy... I’ll update on that a little later... I think it deserves a whole post... :)

Saturday afternoon we went by Mike’s brothers house to help him move the last few things out and to pick up a toy for Austin... Then we were off to our regular old Saturday trip to Walmart. This Saturday Austin came with us... And I was pleasantly surprised at how well behaved he was... we only had ... one... MAYBE two meltdowns... so I was very happy.

Of course we walked in the doors and he said he was hungry (which was SO not true he had just eaten lunch before we left) and that he needed a hambur and fri fris... I told him he needed to wait a while... and he didn’t have a meltdown! That was pretty surprising... lol

He even managed to walk about the last half or so of our trip... Which really surprised me.. I mean it may seem simple to most people... but for Austin... that is AMAZING...

After our trip we went home and unloaded everything...Tried to relax for a minute and get Austin to nap (never happened) and then I made some brownies and we headed over to a friends house. We stopped and picked up a burger for Austin on the way...
We had a great night... It was nice to spend some time out of the house... and with friends... The food was FANTASTIC... Austin was so well behaved... especially considering that he hadn’t had a nap... and we were even able to enjoy a game of Tribond...

Sunday we “celebrated” my birthday... See my birthday is tomorrow... and I can’t take off because my co-worker is out due to surgery... so we figured Sunday was good enough.... Mikey took me to IHOP for breakfast YUMMY and then we went and saw The Dark Night! I was really great!

It was such a nice weekend...

We even tried to play outside a bit... but gosh! It was just so hot!!! But Austin did get to enjoy his swing set a little bit... Maybe it will be a bit cooler this weekend? (I doubt it...)

All in all.. It was another great weekend in Paradise...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Help us Fight SMA


We need your help to move landmark legislation through Congress that will allocate federal resources to non-profit and research organizations focused on finding a treatment and/or cure for SMA.
SMA is an inherited genetic disease that results in loss of nerves in the spinal cord and weakness of the muscles connected with those nerves.
SMA is the #1 genetic killer of children under the age of 2.
SMA is estimated to occur in nearly 1 out of every 6,000 births.
The gene mutation that causes SMA is carried by 1 in every 40 people or nearly 7.5 million American.
There is currently no cure, but the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) have selected SMA as the disease closest to treatment of more than 600 neurological disorders.
Researchers estimate that we are as close as only a few years away from finding a treatment and/or cure.

I will not know if you signed this or not.... and even if I did know... I would not care if you choose not to.
I don't forward a lot of emails, because I don't like to bother people with sillyness...
Most of you know that Austin has SMA ...

This is something VERY important to me...
PLEASE take some time and sign this... It isn't some fake internet thing... Its real
Its all online... and you can even block your name from being seen by visitors to the page...

PLEASE, help us find a cure!

Megan La Rue
Check out Austin's webpage:
Check out my MySpace:
Check Out the family blog:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Am I shrinking??

Well, in a matter of speaking... I guess you could say I am...
I have lost nearly 20 pounds since April... Can you believe it 20 whole pounds!!! (well almost)
I get asked daily... “Are you loosing weight?”
Really, makes me feel good...
Then comes the dreaded “Well, are you trying?”
Its hard to explain... I mean, I don’t want everyone knowing all my business...
If you say yes... then people ask what are you doing?
If you say no ... well, then they start to wonder what’s wrong with you...

Truth is I’m only really half-way trying...

Back in April I was having these horrible stomach pains.. went to the doctor, and after several tests and an ultrasound they determined that I had several large ovarian cysts... I was then referred to my OB/GYN who paired the cysts with my other symptoms and determined that I have PCOS...

As horrible as I thought the news was, once I really starting thinking about it, and reading about it (gotta love the internet) ... It just all made sense... I could not manage to loose more than about 5 pounds... no matter how hard I tried... I had horrible mood swings... I had abnormal hair growth... and since Austin’s been born I could probably could on my hands how many times Aunt Flo has come to visit me...

The course of action was Metformin... It seems to be a little Miracle drug of sorts.... it is primarily used for people who suffer from Diabetes... which isn’t the case for me... Sometimes it is used as a fertility drug for people with PCOS....
And then there are the times where they use it to help shrink the cysts ... and regulate insulin to help establish Aunt Flo’s monthly visits and get your hormones in order...
Although I have been tested for insulin resistance (one of the leading *causes* of PCOS) several times with out a positive result, my doctor chose to treat me as if I am indeed Insulin Resistant...

The result...
I am nearly twenty pounds lighter...

(keep in mind all the stress that I have had with Austin’s diagnosis and trying to get the right treatments for him, and the whole building a house thing... plus some other family issues... I think that if I had really TRIED I would be at more than twenty lost)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A quick little note for today...

Happy Wednesday! I hope that everyone is doing very well today! Its been an off day for me, I've got some really bad anxiety for some reason this afternoon, and I can't seem to pinpoint the cause... but all in all things are going really well for us... Yesterday we went to pick out some colors for the new house... I am so very excited about that! We had such a blast! And surprisingly we didn't really fight over any of the choices... and we stayed WAY under our budget... The only "upgrade" that we choose to get was the 8" deep sink... but other than that we stuck with the basic package... And I couldn't be happier...
Here are the pictures:

Shutter, Stucco, and Bricks

Vinyl and Stucco

Ceramic Tile and Carpet

ceramic tile, laminate counter tops, and cabinet door

My little man

Just to get things going....

My handsome little boy on the 4th!