Austin's Birthday

Monday, January 12, 2009

not me monday

So, I ran across this awesome blog by MckMama...
and she host this fantastic thing every Monday... called "Not Me" Monday...

You know where you get to admit to all those things that you would never do...

So I figured I might as well give it a shot...

I did not let my (almost) 3 yr old son eat three scoops of ice cream after he didn't eat supper tonight... I mean, what kind of mom would do that?

I most certainly did not come home and not pack a thing... I mean, we are closing in two days, and I still have half a house worth of stuff to pack.. of course I didn't come home and just play on facebook and check all my blogs.... that would be a little irresponbile, don't you think?

I did not purposely not tell one of my co-workers that we are closing Wednesday just becaue I knew he had over heard me telling someone else about it... I mean, that would just be plain ole mean!

and while we are on the subject of work, it was not me who spent most of the surfing the web... wondering if the day would ever end... I mean, I had a lot of letters to get out... why one earth would I just spend the day online not working??

What have you not done today? or this week??
Come on... Confess... you'll feel better...


Wayne said...

Great not me monday I loved the part about you not telling your co workers about work not been open, lol

TuTu's Bliss said...

hee hee I did not trump you by feeding our little icecream for breakfast!! great "not me" post!

Kristen said...

I've been thinking about this all week. I'm totally going to do it.