Austin's Birthday

Friday, May 1, 2009

This is Insane

I just saw on Fox News about the "Swine Flu Pandemic"

seriously... explain to me how 300 confirmed cases over the world qualifies something as a pandemic...

Now I'm not great with words, so just to be certain, I did a bit of research... and by research, I mean I looked up the word pandemin to see what exactly it meant, because I thought it meant something horribly bad...

According to Merrian-Webster a pandemic is

Main Entry: 1pan·dem·ic
Pronunciation: \pan-ˈde-mik\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin pandemus, from Greek pandēmos of all the people, from pan- + dēmos people — more at demagogue
Date: 1666
: occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population

So again, I have to ask how the heck 300 confrimed cases of Swine Flu qualify as a pandemic outbreak... Ok, I'll give it the wide geographic area ... but it is certainly not affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population...

This is crazy!!

The media is causing hysteria...
People are seriously terrified that they are going to die...

More people die from the "regular" flu every year than people who had gotten swine flu so far... People don't panic over that... People aren't terrified then...

Yes I know that there are a large number of suspected Swine Flu deaths in Mexico, most of them have not been confirmed as of yet, and even then, people die from the flu every year... that's nothing new... pair that with the poor health care in Mexico and BAM everyone who gets it dies... I'm sorry... but I don't see how I need to panic over this...

Seriously, this is insane! I'm tired of hearing about it, and I know that by posting this in some way I am falling into to all of the hype over it... but I've got to get my opinion out there...