Austin's Birthday

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Last night we had burrito casserole for supper... It was fantastic!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Its Friday!!
Can you believe it?

We've made it out of another week...

We don't have any plans this weekend... well I mean besides grocery shopping and cleaning... but that's just the normal stuff you know?

I've had an ok week... and by that I mean I've had a couple of days where I didn't feel like barfing all day... you'd think after all this time I'd be used to it... but I'm not...

Yesterday was Mike's birthday.. he's getting so old... lol

Austin's been .... well.... Austin...
He's talking back, and arguing... and pushing all my buttons...
He's also been getting in trouble at school... *sigh*
although its nothing serious... Its just him and a friend lying under the table and not coming out when the teacher asks them too... It could be much worse... but its still a little frustrating...
What's funny is that when you ask him about it he QUICKLY explains that he doesn't feel good and can't talk about it right now... *rolls eyes*
He really is growing up way too fast!!

I'm officially 12 weeks now... I have another doctor appointment on June 9th... seems like this one is going by much faster than it did last time... I'm still not feeling better yet... I did have a couple of days this week where I felt better... but it hasn't lasted...

I guess that's about it...

I put up a Blog Frog widget... It shows all my visitors... I was SHOCKED to see that my first visitor since putting it up was MckMama herself... I feel so honored!!
I hope that you are still praying for her and her little MckMuffin... who is doing much better...
Although they have just discovered that he is still having SVT even now that he's home... Head over to her blog to find out more...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

almost 12 weeks

I'm having such a rough time this pregnancy... I mean medically things are fine... but oh my gosh! I have been sick morning, noon, and night...

I feel horrible for my husband because most night I can't even manage to make myself cook... The smell of the meat makes me sick... nothing sounds good.... it all makes me want to puke!
Austin doesn't seem to mid... He would gladly eat "Cars Soup" every day... throw in the occasional grill chesse or Peanut Butter Sandwich and he's a happy camper...

Unfortunately (though understandibly) Mikey is not so happy... He's tired of eating out... or of having to throw something together... I get it... I really do... I'd be happy with a salad or carrots... or even a bowl of cereal... because nothing sounds good... except those things and chocolate...

Mikey is being very understanding... and he's trying really hard to help me and do what he can to make it all easier... I just wish that i could find a way to cook for my family... i'm tired of the junk food... I want to make a nice meal...

Other than that things have been ok for us... Mike hurt his back somehow... but he finally went to the doctor and got a muscle relaxer, so he's feeling better...

Austin twisted his ankle last weekend, but its doing much better now... not bothering him at all...

The puppies are all doing well... puppy things.... they are usually digging and covered in mud/dirt... which doesn't make me happy... but they seem to be happy....

I had a doctor appointment Tuesday... things are moving along just like they should be and I got to hear the heartbeat again! Such a wonderful sound...

Other news.... My momma wassick and in the hospital this week... but she is fine and back home now...

I guess that's it...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a good one...
We went to IHOP and had breakfast... just what I wanted... :)

Austin made this for me at school
and I love it!!! I'm very impressed with how well he is coloring!

Here he is after we spent part of the afternoon swimming... yes I know he has no clothes on... but what would a Mother's day post be without a picture of my boy... He is after all what makes me a mother... besides... I had to sneak up on him to even get these pictures... so I'm posting them... you know since I had to work so hard to get them ;)

I am really excited because this weekend I had the first two flowers bloom on the lilies down by the driveway... I think they are just beautiful!

Mikey cleaned the house for me today... and it looks so nice... see
I know its only the living room... but its just so pretty! I wanted him to know I appreciate it!

I also got a patio Tomato plant today... I'm hoping it does alright... I can't wait to eat the yummies it will make!! So wish me luck... I don't have the greenest thumb... so I'm hoping I manage to get at least one or two off of it... we'll see I guess... Here's a shot just because I know you are all dying to see what exactly a Patio Tomatoe Plant looks like...
Well, that's about it...
I hope that all the mommies out there had a great Mother's Day!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

This is Insane

I just saw on Fox News about the "Swine Flu Pandemic"

seriously... explain to me how 300 confirmed cases over the world qualifies something as a pandemic...

Now I'm not great with words, so just to be certain, I did a bit of research... and by research, I mean I looked up the word pandemin to see what exactly it meant, because I thought it meant something horribly bad...

According to Merrian-Webster a pandemic is

Main Entry: 1pan·dem·ic
Pronunciation: \pan-ˈde-mik\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Late Latin pandemus, from Greek pandēmos of all the people, from pan- + dēmos people — more at demagogue
Date: 1666
: occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population

So again, I have to ask how the heck 300 confrimed cases of Swine Flu qualify as a pandemic outbreak... Ok, I'll give it the wide geographic area ... but it is certainly not affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population...

This is crazy!!

The media is causing hysteria...
People are seriously terrified that they are going to die...

More people die from the "regular" flu every year than people who had gotten swine flu so far... People don't panic over that... People aren't terrified then...

Yes I know that there are a large number of suspected Swine Flu deaths in Mexico, most of them have not been confirmed as of yet, and even then, people die from the flu every year... that's nothing new... pair that with the poor health care in Mexico and BAM everyone who gets it dies... I'm sorry... but I don't see how I need to panic over this...

Seriously, this is insane! I'm tired of hearing about it, and I know that by posting this in some way I am falling into to all of the hype over it... but I've got to get my opinion out there...