Austin's Birthday

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Ok, so by this time, I have normally put something together for everyone for Austin's Christmas Wishlist... just so people can get an idea...
Honestly, this year, I just haven't really had time...
I am going to post a few things here, that I think he'd really like... or that would come in handy at the house in his new room... As always, don't feel obligated to get any of it... Its just ideas....

Ok, I'll start easy...
Right now Disney Cars is his favorite... so pretty much anything having to do with that would be a big hit!! His room is done in Cars, so here are two things, that would go perfectly in his room:

Cars Bookcase / Toy Bin

Other shows he really likes:

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Handy Manny

Little Einstiens

Dora the Explorer / Go Diego Go!

The Backyardians

Bob the Builder

Thomas the Train

He is still very into his trucks and cars... and still loves the trains... he also likes his tools... clothes wise, he is in a 2t (or 24months). I guess honestly he is still very much a boy... not a whole lot has changed since last year, as far as his intrests go, except this year, he is more into the characters...

I'd still like to get him a wagon

(for the zoo trips and such since its hard for him to walk to long distances)

We chose that one because of the hard canopy features

And now more than ever, outside toys will be nice.

I really want to get him a picnic table...

and some kind of playhouse/club house, but that's just out of the picture money wise...maybe for his birthday...

Anyway, I guess that's enough... I hope this helps everyone!