Austin's Birthday

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

So, for the last couple of days, they have been predicting snow... Now anyone that is from Louisiana, or has ever lived here, or shoot, even just visited... knows that it does not snow in here... and if it does... its more like ice... not snow...
So you'd understand why I kept brushing it off saying that it wouldn't happen...

Well imagine my surprise when I woke up to this today:

We had a lot of fun playing in it... then we had to go to work... (the pictures of the governer's mansion and stuff are from my work...) but b/c it never snows in Louisiana, the schools closed... roads closed... and we got sent home at about 9-ish...
I've got more pics that I will post in a second post... this one is long enough.... :)
some of the pics look cut off if you click them you can see the whole thing... IDK why photobucket does that sometimes....


Kristen said...

Unbelieveable! We lived just outside Mobile for a few years, and I know the snow down there is few and far between. Great pics--stay warm!