Austin's Birthday

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Well, I guess I'm a bit behind...
things have been insanely busy around here... seems like I don't get a chance to catch my breathe somedays....

Austin is doing fantastically well.
I registered him for preschool earlier this month and today I met with his new teacher and we went over his IEP for the new school year.
It honestly sounds like its going to be a fantastic move for Austin. I'm getting excited about it!

I'm doing really good... Getting bigger and bigger everyday... but I suppose that's good since that means the baby is getting bigger and bigger as well...

Mike's doing great! He is healing up from his surgery like you wouldn't believe.

I had a doctor's appointment last week and we had another ultrasound... baby is growing right on track.
And we got the news.
Its a boy!

So in less than 4 months Austin will have a baby brother...

I guess that sums the las t month up pretty well...


Kristen said...

yay! a boy! congratulations!!!!

Kristen said...

oh and i'm really interested in what kinds of stuff is in your iep... :)

MeganLaRue said...

I'll do a special post about his IEP... ;)