Austin's Birthday

Monday, December 29, 2008

I promise

That I will at least get some pictures loaded to Facebook tonight from Christmas.... I've also got a video to send to Daddy and Beth... of Austin opening his pressies from them... I'm going to make an attempt again tonight to send that to ya'll... I was having some issues with it loading to yahoo... Maybe I'll try my Gmail account tonight...

Anyway, just wanted to say that no I haven't forgotten about the blog... and we had a fantastic Christmas... I hope everyone else did as well...

Love for now... Pics later...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas from Austin

I've tried posting this video at least a million times, and I can't seem to make it work... but I've got a link so I guess that's good enough...

Christmas is almsot here, and Austin's so excited... He keeps telling me that Santa Claus is going to bring him "Lots of Presents and Lots of Toys" so I guess we will see Christmas Morning...

I promise pics will be posted... ;)

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday, and for those that are traveling, just be careful! Stay safe and warm!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Its almost Christmas!

are you ready??
I think I am.... I've still got a few things to wrap, but I'm done shopping!
We won't be in the house for the holiday, and I'm a little bummed out about that, but we should be there for the new year... well, really right after... so its not too big of a deal... just not as soon as we would have liked...

I know i've been pretty bad about updating... but I've just been extremely stressed out... like panic attacks and the whole nine yards... but I'm feeling a little better today...

I hope ya'll are all doing well! I'll update again this weekend!


Today is my daddy's birthday! So happy birthday Daddy!!!!!

and I've got a special message

Daddy and Beth were getting married today! I'm not sure what time its supposed to be happening, but I'm very happy for both of them!!! sending all my love to you two!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

So, for the last couple of days, they have been predicting snow... Now anyone that is from Louisiana, or has ever lived here, or shoot, even just visited... knows that it does not snow in here... and if it does... its more like ice... not snow...
So you'd understand why I kept brushing it off saying that it wouldn't happen...

Well imagine my surprise when I woke up to this today:

We had a lot of fun playing in it... then we had to go to work... (the pictures of the governer's mansion and stuff are from my work...) but b/c it never snows in Louisiana, the schools closed... roads closed... and we got sent home at about 9-ish...
I've got more pics that I will post in a second post... this one is long enough.... :)
some of the pics look cut off if you click them you can see the whole thing... IDK why photobucket does that sometimes....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

house update

Alright, its been a little while...
The house should be done next week.... OMG! We will actually probably be closing sometime next week... *even bigger OMG*
So here are the pictures from our visit this past weekend... (well, a few anyway)

have i ever mentioned

that i have a wonderful husband?

If not.... I do... I think he may just be the best...

I'm sitting here online... goofing off... procrastinating ... not wanting to go warm up my supper... (tonight is leftovers)... and I mentioned that I was hungry... (him and austin had already eaten) ...
He jsut got up... with out me even asking and fixed a plate for me... :)

I'm so lucky...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Its begining to look a lot like Christmas

and I love it!
We just got back from the Light Festival downtown... It was really a lot of fun!! and I did take some pictures... so I will load them and post them sometime this weekend.. just not tonight... I'm too tired...

After walking the whole area and seeing all the lights we sat at the rivercenter and watched some christmas movies... :) I love this time of the year!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

So we went to the house... Tuesday night... and they've got a lot done in just two days.... :)
We are still looking at the third week of December (aka like two weeks from now) as the finish/close/move week... I couldn't be more excited!!!

Here are the pics... It was already *almost* dark when we got there and my batteries were nearly dead... so I didn't get many pics...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Turkey Day.... a few hours early....

I know its a little early... but with everything going on tomorrow I figured I should go ahead and post now... I'm not sure if I will get a chance tomorrow or not. But I promise pictures will be coming.... at some point this weekend... ;)

We are going to my aunts house for dinner... I'm bringing Mac and Cheese... and Yams... and that's about it...

This year has been a really good year for us... It started off a little rough... with Austin's diagnosis... It was really a hard time... but thankfully we have an awesome family, and they really supported us.
Things have only gotten better as the year went on...
We started Austin on a treatment with in a month of his diagnosis... so that was fantastic...
In May we took a fantastic vacation back to Fort Walton Beach and we were able to stay in the same place we stayed in when we got married.
In July we started looking into building/buying a house... and now we are about 3 weeks away from moving!!!
I am so thankful for the friends and family we have on our side.
For the prayers that have touched our hearts...
For the people online that I've met, that kept me sane though the diagnosis... both in the SMA community and not... You have all played an important part in my healing after the initial shock...
I'm thankful for the fact that Mike and I are both working, and we have a steady, realiable job.... and that we have made the best with what we have... and we are doing all we can to better our selves.
I'm thankful that SMA has been kind to Austin...
I look at some families, and I almost feel guilty because we have really been blessed... things could be so much worse for him... and I am truly thankful that we have been as lucky as we are...
I am thankful for the wonderful opportunity that we have to get Austin to Salt Lake City... And to the family members (and friends... even some from the internet) that have offered to help us.
I am thankful to the MDA foundation, because of them Austin sees a wonderful pediatric nuerologist who has done great things for him...
I'm thanksful for ms Lisa, she has worked so hard with Austin an thanks to her, we have seen lots of improvement in his strength and endurance...
I am thankful that somehow we made it through two hurricanes with out any real damage... to our trailor... and it didn't really effect the construction of the new house :)

Like I said, we have had a very blessed year! And we've got a lot to be thankful for!!!

I hope that you all have a blessed day and get to spend it with the ones that you love!

Happy Thanksgiving!

What to do about those pesky little monsters

I just love this video...
They are so innocent at this age!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bumps and Bruises

Austin fell and busted his eye-brow open on the dryer door...
As you can probably tell my the pics he was just devestated...
Honestly he did cry for a little while... but not long at all.. .when I asked if I could take pics of his band-aid, he got all excited! :)

He is doing much better today! and even went back to daycare!!!
Tomorrow is our Thanksgiving dinner at work, I'm looking forward to it. Very much so.... We don't do the traditional Thanksgiving dinner at work, its full of Fried Fish, Boudin Balls, Jambalaya, Chicken Fingers, Vegetable Tray, and Desserts like you wouldn't believe!!!
Yummy!!!! I can't wait!